Haiku by Frank Clark, MD, FAPA - (feat. Lisa Teo Art)


Water nourishes
Hate scorches rooted friendships
Hope is life’s beacon
~ Haiku by Frank Clark, MD, FAPA

This month of October is Mental Health Month. I am an advocate of art therapy and the important role it plays in improving one’s mental health. I am honoured to collaborate with esteemed psychiatrist, Dr Frank Clark, in creating this art for his beautiful haiku. Thank you Heidi Anne Duerr and Psychiatric Times for publishing our collaboration in promoting mental health.

I used soft pastel sticks for this sketch to reflect water nourishing our hearts and lives. Flames of hate threaten to damage relationships & love. An infinity symbol to reflect that at the heart of it all, love prevails. There is always hope. Have faith.

#mentalhealth #publishing #love

Do check out Dr Frank’s other lovely poems:

How are you looking after your mental health?

Lisa Teo

I am a lawyer-turned-artist based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. My speciality is oil paintings of paddy fields. I merge Western techniques & Feng Shui elements. I create commissioned art, tailored to client’s needs. I also teach art & give talks on art.


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